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Introducing the Rollux and Layerswap Rocket Campaign!

Take a chance at winning some ETH or SYS by entering the Rollux and Layerswap Rocket Campaign!


Enhancing Liquidity and User Experience: Syscoin & Rollux Form Strategic Partnership with Layerswap

Syscoin and Rollux's partnership with Layerswap marks a leap in blockchain asset transfers, offering direct, swift, and economical crypto management. Layerswap's integration with Rollux Chain ushers in enhanced liquidity and seamless transfers from top exchanges, bolstering $SYS token accessibility. This strategic alliance underscores a shared vision for a user-friendly, practical blockchain financial ecosystem.


Rollux and Nexter Finance: Predicting a Future of No-Loss DeFi Excellence

Explore the next level of DeFi with Rollux and Nexter Finance, a partnership that transforms prediction markets. Rollux, known for DeFi innovation, collaborates with Nexter's no-loss ecosystem, allowing you to use $SYS tokens in diverse prediction markets while earning yields. This alliance sets a new standard for a risk-minimized, reward-optimized DeFi landscape.